News News

The origin of Elevator music player    Elevators have been around for hundreds of years, and since the first time in 1853, the American Eliza Graves Otis showed his invention to the world, the elevator began to appear. In recent years, more and more elevator accidents have brought people to the safety of elevators once again. Elevator emergency alarm device came into being.    The Elevator music player can realize the automatic display and intelligent language of the elevator. The building is automatically displayed and the uplink and downlink status, door closing signal, and current floor are...
Time: 2020 - 07 - 29

What are the advantages of elevator Voice Announcer?  The Elevator voice floor Announcer is a widely use for elevators. It uses high-performance single-chip microcomputer and professional voice chip to support MP3 format audio file playback. It adopts photoelectric sensor and it is easy to install. It can detect elevator exercise status.  Users can replace the floor broadcast content by remote server, which can meet the needs of voice broadcast in different occasions. Today, remote elevator station has been widely used in elevator floor reminder, floor voice navigation, sightseeing elevat...
Time: 2020 - 07 - 29

At present, people's material and cultural living standards are improving day by day. Various kinds of household appliances have entered thousands of households. Most of them have their own remote controllers. People often look for their corresponding remote controllers everywhere in order to control an electrical appliance, which brings a lot of inconvenience to people's life. In order to solve this problem, this paper proposes a design scheme of multi-function remote controller: the remote controller can have the remote control function of multiple electrical appliances through self-...
Time: 2019 - 06 - 06
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