Do you need to record your phone calls? What about voice mails that someone’s leaving?
Recording your phone conversations is a great way to protect yourself. We’ve heard countless stories of people who needed to record someone verbally abusing or threatening them. Recording calls is also helpful for documenting any important interviews, conference calls, or meetings you might have.

Here’s an interesting fact: lawyers get this earbud for their clients so they can record evidence for their case. This is legal in most states, but you might want to check your local laws.
Here’s How It Works:
Earphone usually play sounds, right? Our call recorder earphone is different - it’s actually a microphone, which means it can capture sounds rather than make them. Any sound that’s made near the earphone can be recorded.

Example of how to use it: you put the our digital call recorder earphone in your ear. Then, place your phone over the same ear. Because your phone’s speaker is right next to the earphone mic, the caller’s voice is captured, and you’ll still be able to hear them during the call. It’ll also record anything you say, too.

You’ll need an audio recorder to use this digital call recorder earphone . The earbud plugs into almost any audio recorder you can find at Wal-Mart or Radio Shack - if you don’t have one, we definitely recommend our Phone call recorder earbuds.
While you have your phone call, the earphone sends the sounds to the audio recorder, which it then saves to a file. Then, you can save it to your computer, send it to someone, or whatever else you want to do with it.